Foundations’archives are viewed only by insiders. An interview with Gianni Minà

Gianni Minà is in the process of digitalizing his archive, we spoke with him about documents, photographs and films: the materials accumulated over the course of a career as a journalist spanning more than half a century. Continue reading “Foundations’archives are viewed only by insiders. An interview with Gianni Minà”

The fragile boat of the magazine “tradurre” (2011-2021) Interview with Gianfranco Petrillo

With an editorial in its December issue, the magazine ‘tradurre’ announced its closure. We interviewed the former editor in chief Gianfranco Petrillo to better understand how this decision came about. Continue reading “The fragile boat of the magazine “tradurre” (2011-2021) Interview with Gianfranco Petrillo”

A critical school on digital data

Equipping all those who have the basic knowledge provided by the compulsory school with critical tools for the interpretation of reality represented by digital data. This is the aim pursued by the Scuola pop sui dati digitali, an internal project of the Scuola Critica del Digitale, organized and promoted by the Centro per la Riforma dello Stato (Crs). Continue reading “A critical school on digital data”

The power of historical documents / Digital reinterpretation of objects. “Contagio”, an exhibition

“Contagio” is an exhibition of Castelfranco Veneto Historical Archive’s material about the plague and the Covid 19 pandemic. We interviewed Matteo Melchiorre, our scientific advisor and exhibit’s curator. Continue reading “The power of historical documents / Digital reinterpretation of objects. “Contagio”, an exhibition”

The presence of Benedetto Croce in the contemporary cultural and political debate. Dialogue with Michele Maggi

We publish the second part of the interview of our councillor Davide Bondì with Michele Maggi, on the presence of Benedetto Croce in the contemporary cultural and political debate. Maggi, a passionate and acute interpreter of twentieth-century culture, was full professor of the history of political philosophy in Florence. Continue reading “The presence of Benedetto Croce in the contemporary cultural and political debate. Dialogue with Michele Maggi”

Croce in Italy in the last seventy years. Conversation with Michele Maggi

We publish the first part of the interview of our councilor Davide Bondì with Michele Maggi, on the presence of Benedetto Croce in the contemporary cultural and political debate. Maggi, a passionate and a sharp interpreter of twentieth-century culture, has been professor of history of political philosophy in Florence.

Continue reading “Croce in Italy in the last seventy years. Conversation with Michele Maggi”

The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Andrea Ricciardi e Damiano Garofalo

To begin a discussion on the digital revolution in the humanities, we have asked some questions to our scientific advisors. Their answers will be published in eight issues. Here, as the eighth and last issue, Andrea Ricciardi and Damiano Garofalo. Continue reading “The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Andrea Ricciardi e Damiano Garofalo”

The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Giusto Traina e Michele Nani

To begin a discussion on the digital revolution in the humanities, we have asked some questions to our scientific advisors. Their answers will be published in eight issues. Here, as the seventh issue, Giusto Traina and Michele Nani. Continue reading “The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Giusto Traina e Michele Nani”

The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Jeffrey Schnapp e Paolo Varvaro

To begin a discussion on the digital revolution in the humanities, we have asked some questions to our scientific advisors. Their answers will be published in eight issues. Here, as the sixth issue, Jeffrey Schnapp and Paolo Varvaro. Continue reading “The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Jeffrey Schnapp e Paolo Varvaro”

The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Donald Sassoon and Luca Peretti

To begin a discussion on the digital revolution in the humanities, we have asked some questions to our scientific advisors. Their answers will be published in eight issues between now and mid-October. Here, as the fifth issue, Donald Sassoon and Luca Peretti. Continue reading “The digital revolution in the humanities seen at close quarters: Donald Sassoon and Luca Peretti”